SINCERE provides the tools for optimising the carbon footprint and energy performance of historic buildings, by utilising innovative restoration materials and practices, energy harvesting technologies, and ICT tools.
SINCERE raises also awareness and empowers Europeans to promote the concept of preservation of cultural heritage buildings through cultural and community engagement activities at national and international level.
The SINCERE consortium consists of 7 universities, 2 research institutions, 1 SMEs, 3 industries, 1 governmental body and 2 non-profit organizations, which are balanced between AEC, materials development, ICT and SSH. Participating countries are 7 EU member states, 3 European as Associated Partners (CH and UK with separate funding) and 1 neighbouring country (IL).
Consortium partners will undertake a complex, but intriguing, project envisioning to promote net-zero carbon and climate change resilient Built Cultural Heritage in Europe and beyond. They have been selected based on their high-quality profile, their academic background and professional expertise in several domains and their wide geographical distribution to effectively address multicultural issues in research and climatic zones differences for the evaluation of SINCERE objectives and results.
More about the SINCERE partners.
The innovative SINCERE technologies will be demonstrated at 4 demonstration sites - Pilots, in Spain, Greece, Israel and Czech Republic, which showcase different quantitative and qualitative characteristics.
From an exclusively experimental demo site in Spain to an abandoned factory in Ostrava Czech Republic, and from a fully functional university in Israel to an under restoration neoclassical school in Rhodes, Greece.
More about the SINCERE pilots.
SINCERE is inspired by the Cádiz Document InnovaConcrete Guidelines for the Conservation of Concrete Heritage with respect to its cultural, historical, aesthetic, social and technological values, providing a basis to conservation and restoration of CH concrete structures, addressing all main phases of adaptive reuse of cultural heritage (ARCH) buildings, preventing unnecessary carbon emissions and preserving the historic fabric of our towns and cities.
SINCERE aligns also with the understanding that the climate emergency must be tackled within cities and by engaging citizens. In this respect, SINCERE aims to engage citizens and empower them both as a community/society through participatory processes (citizen science) and a novel federated web platform, which builds on the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) protocol, to create the “Building Stories” platform which will aggregate the content generated at the demo-sites, the individual blogs of CH buildings sharing their stories, and the knowledge generated through their renovation.
More about the project structure, outcomes, and timeline.
SINCERE is in a family of four projects, all funded under the call HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02. Its sister projects are CALECHE, INHERIT, and HERIT4AGES.
More about SINCERE's sister projects.