SINCERE addresses a wide audience in academia, industry, policy, and the general public with specialized output and results.

At this moment (17 November, 2024) the SINCERE researchers have started publishing their first results on the SINCERE approach ( MONUBASIN 2024 ), innovative materials ( Construction and Building Materials Journal, Polymers Journal, design tools ( Journal of Microscopy ), Externded Reality applications ( XR Salento 2024 ), and more publications on the other areas of innovations are under preparation.
See the full list of publications

In addition to scientific conferences, the SINCERE consortium organizes a series of events bringing together different stakeholders, experts, and citizens in carefully designed processes grounded on the main pilot sites. These events are documented through short video reports, interviews, and other formats to make it easily accessible and help to build a wider collective awareness and stimulate engagement.

Innovation cards
For each SINCERE technology, a dedicated "innovation card" will be produced which will summarize the main characteristics, benefits, and application methodologies.
The innovation cards are under construction